Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Good night

I wish I could sleep...Not gonna happen again tonight. bummer...Guess I could try some chamomile tea.
 And while I'm waiting tell you about my day. I needed to get hay so I ate my lunch and called on my faithful partner, my father in law Keith Hall the first owner of this little farm hence the Kei part in the name.  Dad and I loaded up in the yellow beast (my bumble bee colored ford ranger) and headed off to the Stefil Farm on country club road. Best Hay around those guys knew hay. Backed up this very steep hill to the barn, in four wheel drive no less, into the barn. Mr.Stefil and dad brought the hay to the truck and I attempted to stack it, they always laugh at the way I put the hay on, then politely change it to the correct method (their way). O heck I don't care as long as I make it home. Love the ride home though its only a few miles its a contest to see if I can make it home without losing any, and dad teases that I am an Indy car driver. Okay maybe just a little wild driver, hey i pay taxes on the whole road and I'm gonna use it.LOL ......Any way dad and I are quite the sight unloading it slowly and cautiously, me with my fibromyalgia and dad is a young 86yr old, neither one of us can afford to slip and fall. Normally its me that ends up getting hurt, just call me grace-ful. But we get the job done we are both too proud and stubborn to ask for help. Then we both head of to our houses and take a 20 minute power nap. Then its time to cook dinner. Dad and I take turns making it but usually discuss it through out the day, tossing around ideas till about 3pm or so. We have been doing this for 4 or 5 years now, ever since Moms Alzheimer's got bad. Mom pasted away over a year ago now, she is greatly missed and in a much better place.  Dad nor I could really decide on anything so we left it up to Daniel. He is a whole other story so we will get there later. So dinner tonight was a macaroni, venison,tomato sauce casserole. Perfect meal for simple folk as we are not the fancy type. think I am starting to get a wee bit sleepy, so good night all Be Blessed.

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